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Writer's picture: Tammy PasterickTammy Pasterick

My novel is being released in less than a week, and I can hardly believe it! I'm excited, anxious, overjoyed, and terrified all at the same time. My publication journey was long and bumpy, but it was definitely worth the ride. The early reviews on NetGalley and Goodreads are overwhelmingly positive, and many readers have said that they could not put this book down! I'm so touched that people from all over the country—not just Pennsylvania—have been moved by the story of the Kovac family and have learned something new about America's immigrant past.

There's a lot happening in the next few weeks—my online book launch, a blog tour, an Instagram book tour, and several book signings. You will find all the details below. As promised, I have also included Chapter One at the bottom of this post. I hope you enjoy it!


The Goodreads Giveaway ended on September 11th. A list of the winners can be found at the following link: I'd like to thank everyone who participated. There were 7,669 entries, which is quite impressive for a debut novel.

My Blog Tour with The Coffee Pot Book Club is kicking off on September 21st and will run through November 23rd. Below you will find a list of all the blogs where my book will be featured. Some will have excerpts from my novel, while others will have interviews with me or guest posts written by me.

My publicists at BookSparks are hosting an Instagram Book Tour. Below is a list of all the instagrammers who will feature my book.

I'm doing a Facebook Live event with my best friend, Stacy Riggle-El Sabbagh, at 7 pm on Wednesday, September 22nd. We'll discuss the inspiration behind my novel, the history of the Burgh, and what I miss most about living in the steel city. I'll also reveal the surprising discovery I made about Stacy while researching my book. (If you read "Who Do You Think You Are?" on my website's news feature, then you already know the secret. Shh! Don't spill the beans!)

I will be signing books at the Student Book Store in State College, Pennsylvania during Penn State's homecoming weekend, which is October 22nd-24th. Please check my website or Facebook page in the coming weeks for times. We're still working on the details.

I will be signing books at Riverstone Books in McCandless, Pennsylvania on Saturday, November 13th from 12-3pm.

I may have more events in the coming months. I'm hoping to do some signings closer to home in Maryland and Delaware.

sneak peek

And now ... here's a sneak peek at Chapter One. I also included the prologue I posted last month in case anyone missed it. Enjoy!

Beneath the veil of smoke and ash

June 1910

"Is Lukas going to die, Papa?”

Janos swallowed hard as he forced himself not to look away from his daughter. Sofie’s eyes were red and swollen, her dress caked in the dried blood of her little brother. The horrors of the day had followed them home.

“The doctors have done all they can for him,” Janos said as he touched Sofie’s shoulder. “It’s in God’s hands now.”

“Will Mama come with us to the hospital tomorrow? Lukas will want her there when he wakes up.”

Another wave of nausea hit Janos as he wiped a bead of sweat from his temple. Where was Karina? Her son was barely clinging to life, and she was nowhere to be found. He wasn’t sure whether to be worried or angered by her absence. “Of course, zlatíčko,” he stammered. “I know she’d want to be at your brother’s side.”

Suddenly, Janos heard urgent footsteps climbing the steps to the back porch. As he sprang to his feet to open the door, his sister, Anna, burst into the room, her face ashen.

“The police are coming,” she said breathlessly. “There’s been a murder in the Heights. They’re looking for the woman who works for Henry Archer.”

Janos gasped. “A murder?”

“Was it Mr. Archer?” Sofie clutched her chest.

“I don’t know. The neighbors are speaking to the detectives now. I didn’t hang around long enough to get the details.” Anna scanned the room. “Has Karina come home yet?”

Janos shook his head. “Still haven’t seen her since last night.”

Anna’s eyes grew wide.

And then it struck him. Janos stumbled backwards onto the kitchen table, gripping its edge for support. Lukas hadn’t been confused. He was telling the truth.

“I’m going back down the street to see what I can find out,” Anna said as she rushed toward the door. “Maybe I can stall the police.”

“Sofie,” Janos whispered to his daughter. “Go up to bed and stay there.”

“Yes, Papa,” she replied, her lip quivering.

“And one more thing . . . don’t tell anyone what Lukas saw at the train station this morning.”

one month earlier

chapter ONE

RIVERTON, MAY 27, 1910

Karina Kovac heard the harsh caw of a crow passing overhead as she began her walk to work. She looked up at the early morning sky and frowned. The gray cloud of soot greeted her as it did every morning. No matter the time of day or season, the eerie mass hung, thick and heavy, casting its dismal shadow over her, darkening her mood.

She imagined the town along the river had once been beautiful—before industry and progress had blanketed the valley in a veil of smoke. But the Riverton she knew was ugly and depressing. The buildings were covered in a dingy layer of grime, and the air was an assault on her senses. It was only slightly less suffocating than that of Pittsburgh, which was ten miles downstream. The steel capital of the world was famous for its perpetually dark sky, which often necessitated the use of street lamps during the day. Karina’s neighbors, most of them newly arrived from Eastern Europe, were unbothered by the smoky haze smothering the region. To them, it signaled opportunity and the promise of a better future. Jobs and prosperity.

Karina hated that gloomy sky, cursing it daily. It followed her everywhere, mocking her and laughing at her lack of success. She had failed to acquire the comfortable lifestyle she’d envisioned when she left Austria-Hungary over a decade earlier, and that sky wouldn’t let her forget it.

Karina had known it would take time for her and Janos to build a new life, but she’d never expected it to take so long. Working as a housekeeper in the town’s wealthiest neighborhood gave her a glimpse of what she and her family had not yet achieved. Her current employer owned every modern convenience she craved. Electricity. Indoor plumbing. A spacious kitchen with the latest Garland gas cookstove and McCray refrigerator. All had been installed in the mill manager’s new Foursquare home.

Karina stood in awe before the door of that refrigerator every morning, marveling at how fresh the food stayed. Her family’s ancient ice chest smelled of souring milk and had to be scrubbed constantly with Old Dutch Cleanser.

As Karina endured her daily coughing fit near the steel mill’s towering smokestacks, she heard a sharp whistle coming from a worker in the rail yard. She rolled her eyes. Though her housekeeper’s uniform was boring and drab, she still managed to attract unwanted attention. Perhaps her elaborate hairstyle had caught the man’s eye. She’d spent a ridiculous amount of time fussing with her hair that morning in the hopes that the executives coming from US Steel’s Pittsburgh offices would take notice of her. While she was grateful for the position in Henry Archer’s home, she longed to work at one of the grand estates in Shadyside or Squirrel Hill. What a relief it would be to get lost among an entire staff of servants.

Karina sighed as she thought of the first weeks in her employer’s home. She had wandered dreamily through the rooms, fingering the fine linens and switching the lights off and on, for fun. She’d soaked in the bathtub and napped beneath an expensive, snowy white Marseilles quilt. She thought she’d found the perfect escape from her dreary neighborhood and her job at the boarding house, but little did she know, the luxury of working in that home would come with a price.

A gust of wind suddenly hit Karina from behind and interrupted her brooding. She patted the mound of curls at the back of her head to make sure her garnet hair comb was still in place. She froze when her fingertips failed to locate it. Her heart pounding, she scanned the unpaved street and then shook her dress, hoping the comb would fall out of one of its folds. Where could it be? Her mind began to race.

Karina turned and rushed back down the street toward the shabby rows of homes erected by the steel company. Her eyes darted in every direction, hoping to find the only valuable piece of jewelry she owned. When she arrived home breathless, she burst through the front door and began searching the sitting room.

“Karina? I thought you’d left for work,” Janos said, peeking through the kitchen doorway.

“My hair comb is missing. I got the whole way to the mill before I realized it was gone. I retraced my steps, but can’t find it anywhere.” Karina inspected the floor and every nearby surface, her eyes welling with tears. “It’s the only thing I own of value.”

“Was it the comb with the tiny garnets?” Janos touched her on the shoulder, his face full of concern.

“Do I have another worth fretting over?” Karina glared at her husband as she brushed his hand away and hurried toward the staircase. “Maybe it’s in the bedroom,” she murmured.

“Mama!” Sofie shouted. “Did you bother to look in your brown pocketbook? That’s the one you came home with yesterday.”

Startled, Karina paused at the foot of the stairs as her ten-year-old daughter stomped out of the kitchen. “Shouldn’t you be in bed, Sofie? The sun’s barely up.”

“Where’s the pocketbook?” Janos asked his wife.

“It’s on the bookcase,” Karina said, dabbing her wet eyes with the sleeve of her dress. “But I’m sure I put the comb in my hair this morning. I know I did.”

“You need to calm down,” Janos said coolly as he picked up the worn pocketbook and peered inside. It took him just seconds to pull out the tortoise shell comb adorned with garnets.

Karina grabbed the hair comb and dashed toward the front door. “How could I forget?” she groaned, turning the doorknob.

“Wait,” Janos said. “Don’t you have something to say to Sofie?”

Karina sighed as she looked at her daughter for the first time that morning. “Thank you, honey. You were very helpful.”

Sofie ran to her mother and hugged her. “Good luck today, Mama. I know those important men from Pittsburgh will be impressed with your cooking.”

“Let’s hope so.”

“Is that why you’re so agitated this morning?” Janos asked.

“I guess,” Karina said, smoothing Sofie’s unruly hair. “I want to make a good impression today. Meeting these executives could lead to something . . . maybe a better position.”

Janos raised an eyebrow.

“I need to go. I’m running late. And, Sofie, please do something with your hair before you leave for school. You can’t go out in public with that mess on your head.” Her poor daughter’s thick blonde hair often looked like a bird’s nest when she woke in the morning.

Sofie nodded politely, despite the wounded look on her face.

“Maybe we could all go to the Radovics’ tonight to listen to Mihal play the accordion,” Janos said as Karina stepped onto the front porch. “An evening with friends will help you relax after such a big day at work.”

“The new Sears Roebuck catalog is out. Maybe another time,” Karina said, trying to disguise her guilt. She knew her family was tired of her excuses, but she did not enjoy socializing with the neighbors. Besides, she really did want to see the latest spring fashions.

As Karina hurried down the street toward the mill, she tucked her hair comb into her pocketbook, figuring there was no way to place it perfectly on her head without a mirror. And she dared not risk losing it on the street. Poverty had made her desperate. Her neighbors, too. They all clung fiercely to the few valuable items they owned, because they couldn’t afford to replace them.

When Karina finally reached Riverton Heights, she inhaled the cool morning air. The neighborhood sat high on the hill above town and escaped much of the smoke in the valley below. Fresh air was her reward for her twenty-minute climb uphill. The streets were lined with new Craftsman and Foursquare homes as well as some older Victorians. Graceful oak trees shaded the streets, and the sweet scent of pansies permeated the air.

Karina’s stomach quivered as she stepped onto Henry Archer’s front porch and unlocked the mahogany door. If one of the Pittsburgh executives failed to take notice of her, she planned to ask Henry for a raise. She had been working very long hours since she’d accepted the position with him six months earlier and had only received a slight increase in pay when her duties were expanded in March. Karina was certain she had proven her worth many times over in recent weeks, especially since her new responsibilities had little to do with keeping a house.

She closed the front door behind her and made her way to the kitchen at the back of the house. The sun was now up, but there were no sounds from upstairs to indicate Henry had risen. Not wanting to wake him, she quietly gathered ingredients for a pot roast from the refrigerator and pantry. As Karina washed vegetables in the farmhouse sink, she heard footsteps in the hall. She turned around to find Henry standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a smirk on his face.

“There’s no need to make lunch today,” he announced. “I got a call from Pittsburgh last night. The meeting has been cancelled.”

Karina gasped. “But I thought those men were coming to discuss your promotion.”

She tried to her hide her disappointment as she studied the face of her employer. She had never found him attractive. The college-educated bachelor was several inches shorter than her husband and lacked the brawn she was accustomed to seeing in the men around her neighborhood. He wore a permanent frown on his face, and his thin, charcoal-colored hair was receding. But today, he looked surprisingly pleasant, grinning like a school boy. How could he not be disappointed by their change in fortune?

“They were, but I’m no longer being considered for the position here in Riverton. I’m being transferred to headquarters in New York City.” Henry clapped his hands with excitement. “I’m going home.”

Paralyzed by the news, Karina stood motionless, trying to control the panic welling inside her. She leaned back against the porcelain sink for support, suddenly unable to breathe, her chest tightening.

Still grinning, Henry crossed the kitchen in three long strides. He grabbed Karina’s left breast and shoved his tongue into her mouth. His free hand moved greedily down the front of her dress. Even after three months of enduring his touch, Karina still had to remind herself not to recoil. But this morning, she was completely unaffected by Henry’s groping. Her singular focus was her uncertain future.

She gently pulled away from his eager kisses and took a deep breath. “When do you leave?”

“Not until the end of June. I need to train my replacement and tie up some loose ends at the mill. But I need you to start packing right away.”

Suddenly, memories of a run-down boarding house full of drunks flooded Karina’s mind. She flinched as a filthy immigrant squeezed her buttocks, the stench of his sweaty, unwashed body burning her nose. Shouts for more moonshine drowned out an old man’s complaint that the tripe was too chewy. A newcomer griped that someone had taken prostitutes into his room and soiled his mattress. He demanded that Karina clean the mess immediately. She groaned as she tried to shake the chaos from her head. I can’t go back.

A slight pinch transported Karina back to Henry’s kitchen. His teeth were on her earlobe.

“Shall we go into the bedroom to celebrate?” he whispered.

buy the book

Click on the link below to order a copy of my novel. You will be taken to my website's "Book" page where you will be given several choices for ordering. You can also ask your local bookstore to order a copy since my novel has traditional distribution through Ingram Publisher Services. The official release date for my book is September 21st.

See the book trailer

Pippa wants to know if I'm done talking about the book. Yes, Pippa! At least for today.

Writer's picture: Tammy PasterickTammy Pasterick

Most of you know that my novel's release is only a month away, and things are getting crazy around here. I'm over two weeks late posting to my website because I've been so busy promoting my book and writing guest blog posts. I was also on vacation with my family in Southern California for ten days, so that set me back, too. We had a wonderful time exploring Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Malibu, and Santa Barbara and had very memorable trips to Universal Studios and Disneyland. We were absolutely blown away by Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge and the Rise of the Resistance ride. I was so caught up in the magic of the planet Batuu that I left the park with a stuffed Porg on my shoulder!

Instead of my usual posts about history, culture, and books, this month I am providing information about my book's release, giveaways, and upcoming blog tours. You will also get a peek at my novel's opening. It's all so very exciting!


I recently ran a Giveaway on my Facebook and Instagram pages for an advanced copy of my book and a Nine West handbag and wristlet. For those of you who missed the news, the winner of the book is Melissa Tippie, and the winner of the handbag is Kristin Gore. They have already received their prizes. This giveaway was so popular that I plan to do another in a month or two. Apparently, fans of historical fiction also like designer handbags!

If you're still hoping for a free book, my Goodreads Giveaway is running through September 11th. There are ten copies of Beneath the Veil of Smoke and Ash up for grabs. The link to the giveaway is Good luck!

My Blog Tour with The Coffee Pot Book Club is kicking off on September 21st and will run through November 23rd. Below you will find a list of all the blogs where my book will be featured. Some will have excerpts from my novel, while others will have interviews with me or guest posts written by me.

My publicists at BookSparks are hosting a Blog Tour as well. Hopefully, I will have more information in next month's post. I believe it is scheduled for September and October. BookSparks is also working on a book launch, but they haven't finalized the details. I should have more information soon.

This has been an amazing—and sometimes terrifying—journey, and I can't believe my book will be out in a matter of weeks. The feedback from early readers has been very positive, and I am so grateful people are connecting with my characters and getting lost in the world I have created. Check out this spectacular review from Readers' Favorite.

Author Tammy Pasterick delivers a powerful and emotional work that I really took to heart. One of my favorite things about this novel was the author's keen eye for the historical details; the story felt well researched and the setting felt rich. Beneath the Veil of Smoke and Ash exudes atmosphere and intrigue and gripped me from the very first page. The Kovacs' journey is powerful, emotional, and real, and Pasterick does a masterful job of paying homage to the past sacrifices that people like the Kovacs made. The storytelling in this novel is second to none, telling a gripping story of the struggle immigrants faced, whilst keeping twists and turns you won’t see coming that served to keep the story engaging throughout. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend this novel to fans of action-packed fiction in a historical setting, and those looking for a meaningful story about mental health and the cost of facing our demons.

sneak peek

And now ... here's a sneak peek from my novel's opening. It's short, but you will get the entire first chapter next month. I hope you enjoy it!

Beneath the veil of smoke and ash

June 1910

"Is Lukas going to die, Papa?”

Janos swallowed hard as he forced himself not to look away from his daughter. Sofie’s eyes were red and swollen, her dress caked in the dried blood of her little brother. The horrors of the day had followed them home.

“The doctors have done all they can for him,” Janos said as he touched Sofie’s shoulder. “It’s in God’s hands now.”

“Will Mama come with us to the hospital tomorrow? Lukas will want her there when he wakes up.”

Another wave of nausea hit Janos as he wiped a bead of sweat from his temple. Where was Karina? Her son was barely clinging to life, and she was nowhere to be found. He wasn’t sure whether to be worried or angered by her absence. “Of course, zlatíčko,” he stammered. “I know she’d want to be at your brother’s side.”

Suddenly, Janos heard urgent footsteps climbing the steps to the back porch. As he sprang to his feet to open the door, his sister, Anna, burst into the room, her face ashen.

“The police are coming,” she said breathlessly. “There’s been a murder in the Heights. They’re looking for the woman who works for Henry Archer.”

Janos gasped. “A murder?”

“Was it Mr. Archer?” Sofie clutched her chest.

“I don’t know. The neighbors are speaking to the detectives now. I didn’t hang around long enough to get the details.” Anna scanned the room. “Has Karina come home yet?”

Janos shook his head. “Still haven’t seen her since last night.”

Anna’s eyes grew wide.

And then it struck him. Janos stumbled backwards onto the kitchen table, gripping its edge for support. Lukas hadn’t been confused. He was telling the truth.

“I’m going back down the street to see what I can find out,” Anna said as she rushed toward the door. “Maybe I can stall the police.”

“Sofie,” Janos whispered to his daughter. “Go up to bed and stay there.”

“Yes, Papa,” she replied, her lip quivering.

“And one more thing . . . don’t tell anyone what Lukas saw at the train station this morning.”


Click on the link below to preorder. You will be taken to my website's "Book" page where you will be given several choices for ordering. You can also ask your local bookstore to order a copy since my novel has traditional distribution through Ingram Publisher Services. The official release date for my book is September 21st.

A sneak peek at Chapter one is coming soon!

Writer's picture: Tammy PasterickTammy Pasterick

The past year has been a challenging one for the entire world. The pandemic turned our lives upside down and forced us into a quarantine that seemed to have no end in sight. With schools shut down and businesses operating remotely, we had no choice but to reinvent our work and home life. In my corner of the world, the quiet house where I had spent the last several years writing with my dog at my feet suddenly became a flurry of activity. While my husband conducted business meetings on Zoom just steps away from my favorite writing spot, my tween and teen constantly barged into the room with a new need. They were hungry and wanted lunch, they were confused and needed help with their homework, they were bored and wished they could hang out with their friends, or they were worried about the pandemic and just needed to talk. It was a difficult time on so many levels, and my anxiety was through the roof. I was in desperate need of an escape.

Enter the audiobook. I had heard about Audible and Kobo before the pandemic, but had not really given these services much thought. I was perfectly content reading physical books while nestled under my covers late at night. But when Covid turned my once peaceful home into my husband's noisy conference room and my kids' chaotic school, I needed refuge. Folding laundry within earshot of meetings about lumber shortages and Spanish and algebra lessons—all happening at the same time—was just too much stimulation for my introverted brain. I set up an Audible account and bought my first book. Within minutes, the chaos in my house fell away, and I was lost in another time and place.

Over the past year, I have listened to at least a dozen audiobooks. Driving my kids to school and doing household chores has never been so much fun! I actually look forward to folding laundry now and don't mind cleaning the beastly Viking range that I just had to have. I simply play my audiobook and escape the mundane task at hand. The stories are always captivating, but even more compelling are the soothing voices of the characters that pull me into their world and make me feel as though I'm part of their story. The most recent book I listened to was The Dutch House, which was narrated by Tom Hanks. His voice was so spellbinding and intimate that I often thought an old friend was confiding in me as I drove around Maryland and Delaware these past few weeks. Circe was narrated by Perdita Weeks, a British actress with a smooth, sultry voice that cast a spell over me. She brought Circe to life so completely that I couldn't stop thinking about Greek mythology for weeks.

Audiobooks will never completely replace the traditional books that I love so much. There is something very special about the feel of a book in your hands and the experience of reading a story on a porch or at the beach surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature. That magic is irreplaceable. But when life becomes overwhelming or a task becomes insanely boring, an audiobook is the perfect way to escape. Below are three of my favorites from the past year.

Ann Patchett, the number-one New York Times best-selling author of Commonwealth, delivers her most powerful novel to date: a richly moving story that explores the indelible bond between two siblings, the house of their childhood, and a past that will not let them go. The Dutch House is the story of a paradise lost, a tour de force that digs deeply into questions of inheritance, love, and forgiveness, of how we want to see ourselves, and of who we really are.

At the end of the Second World War, Cyril Conroy combines luck and a single canny investment to begin an enormous real estate empire, propelling his family from poverty to enormous wealth. His first order of business is to buy the Dutch House, a lavish estate in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia. Meant as a surprise for his wife, the house sets in motion the undoing of everyone he loves.

The story is told by Cyril’s son Danny, as he and his older sister, the brilliantly acerbic and self-assured Maeve, are exiled from the house where they grew up by their stepmother. The two wealthy siblings are thrown back into the poverty their parents had escaped from and find that all they have to count on is one another. It is this unshakable bond between them that both saves their lives and thwarts their futures.

Set over the course of five decades, The Dutch House is a dark fairy tale about two smart people who cannot overcome their past. Despite every outward sign of success, Danny and Maeve are only truly comfortable when they’re together. Throughout their lives, they return to the well-worn story of what they’ve lost with humor and rage. But when at last they’re forced to confront the people who left them behind, the relationship between an indulged brother and his ever-protective sister is finally tested.

In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe is a strange child -- not powerful, like her father, nor viciously alluring like her mother. Turning to the world of mortals for companionship, she discovers that she does possess power -- the power of witchcraft, which can transform rivals into monsters and menace the gods themselves.

Threatened, Zeus banishes her to a deserted island, where she hones her occult craft, tames wild beasts and crosses paths with many of the most famous figures in all of mythology, including the Minotaur, Daedalus and his doomed son Icarus, the murderous Medea, and, of course, wily Odysseus.

But there is danger, too, for a woman who stands alone, and Circe unwittingly draws the wrath of both men and gods, ultimately finding herself pitted against one of the most terrifying and vengeful of the Olympians. To protect what she loves most, Circe must summon all her strength and choose, once and for all, whether she belongs with the gods she is born from, or the mortals she has come to love.

With unforgettably vivid characters, mesmerizing language, and page-turning suspense, Circe is a triumph of storytelling, an intoxicating epic of family rivalry, palace intrigue, love and loss, as well as a celebration of indomitable female strength in a man's world.

On a humid afternoon in 1933, American Jessie Lesage steps off a boat from Paris and onto the shores of Vietnam. Accompanying her French husband Victor, an heir to the Michelin rubber fortune, she’s certain that their new life is full of promise, for while the rest of the world is sinking into economic depression, Indochine is gold for the Michelins. Jessie knows that the vast plantations near Saigon are the key to the family’s prosperity, and though they have recently been marred in scandal, she needs them to succeed for her husband’s sake―and to ensure that the life she left behind in America stays buried in the past.

Jessie dives into the glamorous colonial world, where money is king and morals are brushed aside, and meets Marcelle de Fabry, a spellbinding expat with a wealthy Indochinese lover, the silk tycoon Khoi Nguyen. Descending on Jessie’s world like a hurricane, Marcelle proves to be an exuberant guide to colonial life. But hidden beneath her vivacious exterior is a fierce desire to put the colony back in the hands of its people––starting with the Michelin plantations.

It doesn’t take long for the sun-drenched days and champagne-soaked nights to catch up with Jessie. With an increasingly fractured mind, her affection for Indochine falters. And as a fiery political struggle builds around her, Jessie begins to wonder what’s real in a friendship that she suspects may be nothing but a house of cards.

Motivated by love, driven by ambition, and seeking self-preservation at all costs, Jessie and Marcelle each toe the line between friend and foe, ethics and excess. Cast against the stylish backdrop of 1920s Paris and 1930s Indochine, in a time and place defined by contrasts and convictions, Karin Tanabe's A Hundred Suns is historical fiction at its lush, suspenseful best.


A native of Western Pennsylvania, Tammy Pasterick grew up in a family of steelworkers, coal miners, and Eastern European immigrants. Her debut novel, Beneath the Veil of Smoke and Ash, is being released by She Writes Press in September 2021. Visit to learn more.

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